Monday, November 30, 2015

Meir Ezra - No Shortcuts to Prosperity

You have problems if you focus too much on money or too much on production.

If you focus too much on money, all you think is "get money, get money, get money." You borrow as much money as you can. You convince people to pay you for services or goods you have not produced. You gamble or invest hoping you will get money without having to work for it.

For example, the manager of a computer company is more concerned about selling computers than making computers. She buys huge advertisements, hires excellent salespeople and pays them big commissions. Because her company cannot make enough computers, and the ones they do make are bad quality, she gets fired by the owner. The company has a horrible reputation and closes down

If you focus too much on production, all you think is "produce, produce, produce." You build your product or provide your service without any attention on money. You think, "If I just do nothing but produce, I'll eventually get some money."

For example, a dentist loves making people's smiles look perfect. He hates asking for money. So he works hard fixing people's teeth, but never collects his fees. He does not focus enough on money and goes out of business.

"When either money or production get out of balance one has trouble. All production and no money is as bad as all money and no production.

"This also answers the world mystery of booms and depressions which, unsolved, drove the whole field of economics into a mad subject."

"Well-paid delivery in high quality is the correct answer. Only then can a boom continue."

"There are no shortcuts to honest prosperity." -- L. Ron Hubbard

All Money, No Production

As you may have noticed, too many people have gotten stuck on getting money and not production.

For example, Fred hears how people are making money by buying houses and then selling them for a big profit. Fred also learns he can borrow a great deal of money, even though he doesn't make enough money to pay it off. He is convinced, "I'll just buy this big house with this big loan. I'll sell it in a year and make a big pile of money, just like everyone else."

Joe owns a company that has a $1 million retirement fund. Hundreds of workers have given part of their pay into this fund. Pete convinces Joe to give him the $1 million so he can turn it into $2 million through big house loans. Pete gets a big commission from the bank for getting Joe's $1 million.

Barney owns an investment company. He tells the mortgage company, "Let me take control of your $100 million in loan accounts. I have investors who will give us $150 million as they think real estate will keep going up. You and I will each get a $2 million commission!"

Fred can't pay back his loan and no one will buy his house, so he goes bankrupt. Pete's plan completely fails wiping out Joe's company retirement fund meaning Joe has no money for his workers' retirements. Pete has earned a bad reputation and cannot get a job. Barney asks the government for $150 million to bail him out.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Meir Ezra - Improve Your Health and Happiness

You may have heard that to succeed, you need to adjust yourself to the world around you. Examples:

"You'd better get used to it as that's the way it is." "To be happy, you must compromise." "Don't make waves!"

Yet, to succeed, you must take a different approach.

"Man succeeds because he adjusts his environment to him, not by adjusting himself to the environment." -- L. Ron Hubbard

You decide what you want and how you want it. You take an active role. You change the world around you.

Think of the most successful people you know. Do they mold themselves to fit in? Or do they change the world around them?

As well as determining your success, your ability to adjust your environment also determines your health and happiness.

"So long as an individual maintains his own belief in his ability to handle the physical universe and organisms about him and to control them if necessary or to work in harmony with them, and to make himself competent over and among the physical universe of his environment, he remains healthy, stable and balanced and cheerful." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Leading to Serve - Meir Ezra

I believe that life is what I make it to be, always has been and always will be… Some people look and try to understand… try to understand why… I, on the other hand, love to dream, dream of new things, things that have never before been tried or realized and ask why not – this is Meir Ezra

After working for five years as a car salesman, Jim was promoted to the sales manager position. During his first week as manager, he decided he needed to show everyone who was boss.

Jim cracked the whip. He held a meeting and told the other sales people, "I want 10 cars sold today or someone will get fired!"

Jim was pushy, demanding and angry. The sales people ran around looking busy and avoiding Jim. Everyone tried to force customers to buy cars, but car sales dropped.

Jim yelled even louder. "You can't sells cars by pressuring customers, you idiots! Now get out there and sell these stupid cars!"

After a month of this, his two best sales people quit. Sales dropped even further. The car dealership owner said, "Jim, if you can't turn sales around, I'm afraid I'll need to get another sales manager."

Jim said, "I can't believe this! What am I doing wrong?"

Five Bad Leadership Attitudes

Like many new managers, Jim did not really understand his role as a leader. He and many other managers have these wrong ideas about managing people.

1. "Because I'm the manager, you better respect me . . . or else!"

2. "People are lazy and so I need to force them to work."

3. "I am superior to everyone here which is why I can do anything I want."

4. "If you work for me, you need to kiss my butt."

5. "If you don't like how I run things, you can leave."

Because of these attitudes, Jim's staff were selling fewer cars and looking for other jobs. If Jim did not change his attitude, he would also be looking for a new job soon.

Just in time, Jim learned this vital fact about management.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Meir Ezra GP Parent Academy

"The condition of tomorrow's society is defined by the condition of today's children."-Meir Ezra
                             Founder of Parent Academy

Despite the prime basic love between parents and children, most families still suffer from the following problems:

·         The “generation gap effect” between parents and children
·         Major arguments with revolting children
·         Endless fights between siblings
·         Physical and verbal abuse
·         Foul language between the parents
·         Fights with the in-laws
·         And much more…

It seems there is no shortage of problems, yet there is a severe shortage of effective solutions.

Parenting Master Class
Sunday November 8, 2015 | 2:00pm - 4:30pm
Hilton Toronto Airport - Toronto, Canada

What Is The Parent Academy?

Families suffer and often live a miserable life all because they simply lack the tools to address issues in their families and relationships. In other words, parents and children simply do not know how to be parents or how to be children, and so, despite the endless and unconditional love parents and children innately have, there seems to be endless conflict.

We at Guaranteed Prosperity understand that most families are in a real need for effective help, and so we decided to give parents the training course they never got.

The Parent Academy is guaranteed to teach parents how to raise children in a happy, fun and effective environment.

The full academy is composed of 50 lessons. Each lesson consists of a theory section, practical exercises and real life situation simulation games.

The lessons are all based on the precepts of the booklet The Way to Happiness® - a Common Sense Guide to Better Living, and guides the parents gradually towards the application of these principles in family life.

The Lessons Cover Real Situations Including:

ü  How to get children to clean their bodies and their environment properly (we all know many children for some reason revolt against the idea of a shower or a clean room)

ü  How to encourage an independent and responsible child and young adult

ü  How to ensure your child never touches drugs

ü  How to handle common problems like the child’s white lies" and hiding of information, etc.

ü  How to deal with issues such as diligence, help at home, good nutrition, socializing,

ü  How to handle prolonged television viewing and video game playing (a central theme in the life of every child)

ü  How to deal with the issues around school and study

ü  As well as many situations one needs to confront if one raises children or if one once was a child.

The Parent Academy combines logical and practical solutions - and through experiential learning and fun, each participant internalizes the ideas and so they quickly convert from words and ideas to effective actions and results.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Meir Ezra - Who Do You Blame?

No one wins the blame game.

For example, you make a mistake or something goes wrong. So you blame someone or something.

"I crashed the car because you played the radio too loud!"
"It's not my fault the soup is too salty! It's your recipe."
"If we had a newer computer, I would do better in school."

Blameis frequently used to explain poor job performance.

"My boss is such a jerk, I can't get my work done."
"I closed my painting shop and went bankrupt because of the economy."
"You don't pay me enough to be nice to EVERY customer."

Blame is also used for personal problems.

"I'm depressed because of the tragedies in the news."
"I can't be faithful to my wife because I have a chemical imbalance."
"I can't stop smoking because my father used to spank me."

Why You Can't Win the Blame Game

When you blame someone or something else, you actually make yourself weak and ineffective. You make yourself "at effect" instead of being "at cause" of the situation. You give power to the person or thing you blame.

"Blaming something else makes that something else cause; and as that cause takes on power, the individual in the same act loses control and becomes effect." -- L. Ron Hubbard

For example, your business is failing and you blame your assistant. You say,"My assistant messed up my business," which is just another way of saying, "My assistant controls me and the success of my business."

If you take responsibility for your business, you would say, "I need to train my assistant better."

As another example, you might blame your parents for your stress and anxiety. You might say, "My parents ruined my life," which is the same as saying, "My parents are so powerful, they control my mood and my emotions."

Stopping the blame game and accepting responsibility for yourself gives you new hope. "My parents didn't ruin my life. I ruined my life by being lazy and unemployed. I need to improve my opinion about myself and get busy."