Sunday, December 6, 2015

Meir Ezra - The Future of your Child

We all love our children – it is a kind of a universal truth.

We want our children to succeed in life as our future depends in no small degree on how well they do in life. But… what is success?

Can you write the definition of success?

If you don’t know what success is will you be able to reach it?

If you don’t know what you want to achieve – can you achieve it?

The pre-requisite to achieving anything is gaining an ability to define it clearly. The law is – you will not achieve what you can not define.

So, you want your child to be successful – what is success?

Now… I am sure you will think of all kinds of examples of successful people or actions, but it is not the definition of the word success and before you will be able to define it - you will not reach it for your child AND for YOU!

So, as a special gift to you, I have prepared a short recording about success and life…

Much Love,
Founder, GP Parent Academy

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Coach Who Guarantees Financial Results - Meir Ezra

I recently met a gentleman named Meir Ezra. We had coffee together a couple of weeks ago when I was in Florida.

Meir is an international entrepreneur with multi-million dollar businesses and clients in over 14 countries.

He was explaining to me that he offers seminars and coaching with guaranteed results. I was pretty skeptical of this, but when he explained just one of the techniques he uses to help his clients boost their income, it made a lot of sense to me.

I am a registered investment advisor and only bill my clients for results. Instead of earning brokerage commissions or kick-backs from selling mutual funds and insurance, I only make money when my clients earn a positive return. Of course, most individual investors are in the same boat, only rewarded by growing their capital. The bottom line is the bottom line for myself and my fellow investors reading this. We need results.

What I found very interesting about one of the things Meir Ezra does at his Guaranteed Prosperity seminars is that he teaches people how to eliminate their feelings of guilt, shame and regret surrounding money. More over, he has his seminar attendees continue this process until they are making more money. This all happens in a space of a few hours or days at most.

I'm familiar with the technique Meir Ezra uses to do this and I've had so many successes doing it myself, that I highly recommend other investors and entrepreneurs check him out. To continue investing while still having feelings of guilt, shame or regret about money is an accident waiting to happen. We've all made mistakes with money, but there's no reason to allow these things to continue to have any effect.

In order to be in control of one's finances and successfully protect and grow one's wealth, it is invaluable to feel 100% clean about money. The technique Meir Ezra teaches to achieve this result is fast, effective and he guarantees your results. I highly recommend you check out his seminar and experiencing this for yourself.

Until next time...

Flourish and prosper,
Craig Brockie - Registered Investment Advisor
Contrarian Advisors - Rational Wealth Management
Phone: 1-800-996-4657 - Email:
Address: 433 North Camden Drive, Sixth Floor, Beverly Hills, CA 90210

PS. If you lost money in the 2008 financial crisis or the dot com crash, make sure you're prepared for the next bear market that's due to bottom in 2016. Download my free report, "How to Protect and Grow Your Money" today.

PPS. If you experience Meir Ezra's seminars or business coaching, please share your successes with me as I'd love to hear them.